Monthly Practice Groups

Practice Groups take place on Thursdays from 3:30 - 5:30 and Saturdays from 2:00 - 4:00 at Crone’s Cupboard 712 North Orchard St., Boise, Idaho 83705

These groups are designed to do just that, give you the chance to practice various techniques while Susan provides careful teaching and guidance.  There is no prior experience needed (except for the Dream Interpretation Practice Group - see below).


List of Practice Groups & Descriptions

1. Practice Group - Dream Interpretation

Practice Group Classes - Meets periodically in Boise, Idaho. This practice group is for students who have taken the Dream Interpretation class from Susan Fullmer.

  • Meets periodically in Boise Idaho.

  • Cost: $40

  • Prerequisite - Dream Interpretation class

  • In this group we practice interpreting each other’s dreams using the techniques taught in Susan’s Dream Interpretation class.

  • Learn how to crack the code! Dreams speak in the language of symbols.  Once you unlock the key to that language, a whole new universe becomes available to you.  This space is incredibly detailed and informative and reveals the “hidden” knowledge about your life. It is all there to see. 

  • No plant medicine is used in Susan’s classes, groups or ceremonies.


*If you are interested in dream interpretation, consider Susan’s class - Dream Interpretation.


*If you don’t want to interpret your own dreams but you want to unlock the profound meaning they contain, Susan can do that for you during a one-on-one session.


2. Practice Group - Shamanic Journey (Connecting with your Guides and Spirit Helpers)

Practice Group Classes - Meets monthly in Boise, Idaho

  • Meets every 3rd Saturday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and also every 4th Thursday from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.

  • Cost: $40

  • Registration: See registration calendar page

  • LOCATION: Crone’s Cupboard at 712 N Orchard St., Boise, Idaho 83706

  • This practice is like a deep meditation.

  • No prior experience is needed.

  • In this group we journey to connect with our Guides and Spirit Helpers to seek knowledge and healing. These Wise Ones know us and love us. They will give us helpful information and healing - if we ask.

  • These Wise Ones can include any of the following: Ascended Masters, extraterrestrials, deities, animal totems, our ancestors, nature spirits, elementals and more.

  • Create Community: Meet other like-minded, heart-centered people who are seeking inner awareness - healing - peace - connection with others. 

  • No plant medicine is used in Susan’s classes, groups or ceremonies.


3. Practice Group - How to Heal with Energy

Practice Group Classes - Meets monthly in Boise, Idaho

  • Meets every second Saturday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and also every 3rd Thursday from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.

  • Cost: $40

  • Registration: See registration calendar page

  • LOCATION: Crone’s Cupboard at 712 N Orchard St., Boise, Idaho 83706

  • In this group we practice various energy healing techniques, including the ethics behind healing.

  • No prior experience is needed. This group is appropriate for beginners and seasoned healers alike. 

  • Let's connect and talk and practice healing!

  • Create Community: Meet other like-minded, heart-centered people who are seeking inner awareness - healing - peace - connection with others. 

  • No plant medicine is used in Susan’s classes, groups or ceremonies.


4. Practice Group - How to Read Energy (Psychic Reading)

Practice Group Classes - Meets monthly in Boise, Idaho

  • Meets every fourth Saturday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and also every 2nd Thursday from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.

  • Cost: $40

  • Registration: See registration calendar page

  • LOCATION: Crone’s Cupboard at 712 N Orchard St., Boise, Idaho 83706

  • No prior experience is needed.

  • In this group we recognize and hone our intuitive gifts, and practice the skill of reading energy (psychic reading). This can be done for ourselves and for others.

  • Most people do this on a daily basis, yet may not fully realize what they are doing. This group helps us discover what we already know and do. From there, we can consciously expand upon that process to give us even better clarity.

  • Create Community: Meet other like-minded, heart-centered people who are seeking inner awareness - healing - peace - connection with others. 

  • No plant medicine is used in Susan’s classes, groups or ceremonies.

Susan’s intentions for her classes and gatherings:

  • Create a safe space to meet and to do deep spiritual work.

  • Create a space where clear divination and true healing can happen.

  • Create a space for community building of like-minded, heart-centered people.

  • Teach practices that have been handed down to her from powerful and ethical teachers.